Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:
Asmolov, G. (2022). Internet regulation and crisis-related resilience: from Covid-19 to existential risks, The Communication Review, 25(3-4), pp. 235-257, DOI: 10.1080/10714421.2022.2129124
Asmolov, G. (2022). The transformation of participatory warfare: The role of narratives in connective mobilization in the Russia–Ukraine war. Digital War Journal. 3(1), pp. 25-37,
Asmolov, G. (2021). From sofa to frontline: The digital mediation and domestication of warfare. Media, War & Conflict, 14(3), 342-365.
Asmolov, G. (2019). The effects of participatory propaganda: From socialization to internalization of conflicts, Journal of Design and Science (MIT press), 6, pp. 1-24.
Asmolov, G. (2018). The disconnective power of disinformation campaigns, Journal of International Affairs, 71(1.5), pp. 69-76.
Asmolov, G. & Kolozaridi, P. (2017). The imaginaries of RuNet: The change of the elites and the construction of online space, Russian Politics, 2, pp. 54-79.
Asmolov, G. (2015). Vertical crowdsourcing in Russia: Balancing governance of crowds and state–citizen partnership in emergency situations, Policy & Internet, 7(3), pp. 292-318.
Asmolov, G. (2015). Crowdsourcing and the folksonomy of emergency response: The construction of a mediated subject, Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture, 6(2), pp. 155–178.
Livingston, S. & Asmolov, G. (2010). Networks and the future of foreign affairs reporting, Journalism Studies, 11(5), pp. 745-760.
Peer-reviewed Book Chapters:
Asmolov G. (2024) The Agents of Resilience: Generativity and Durability of Digital Platforms in Crisis-to-Crisis Transition. In Eds.: Diers-Lawson A., Schwarz A., & F. Meißner, Risk and Crisis Communication in Europe: Towards Integrating Theory and Practice in Unstable and Turbulent Times. Routledge.
Asmolov, G. (2024). Governance through a crisis: Media Regulation in Non-Democratic Systems. In Eds.: Manuel Puppis, Robin Mansell & Hilde Van den Bulck, The Handbook of Media and Communication Governance. Elgar.
Asmolov, G. (2023). Internet regulation and crisis-related resilience: from Covid-19 to existential risks, In Eds.: Paul Reilly & Virpi Salojärvi, (De)constructing Societal Threats During Times of Deep Mediatization. Routledge.
Asmolov, G. (2022). Crisis Communication in Authoritarian Systems and Digital Innovation. How Do Autocracies Resolve the Dictator's Dilemma in Crisis Situations? In Eds.: W. Timothy Coombs & Sherry J. Holladay, The Handbook of Crisis Communication. Second edition. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, pp. 209-227.
Asmolov, G. (2021) . Russian Social Media Logic: between the East and the West, in Eds.: Chand Rajendra-Nicolucci & Ethan Zuckerman, An Illustrated Field Guide to Social Media, Columbia University, pp. 49-60. Available at:
Asmolov, G. (2021) Information Technologies and Civil Society: Why We Need Horizon Scanning, In Ed.: Gregory Asmolov, Horizon Scanning: The Role of Information Technologies in the future of Civil Society Cogito-Centre, pp. 6-25, doi: 10.24412/cl-35945-2021-1-6-25, Available at:
Asmolov, G. & Kolozaridi, P. (2020). Run Runet Runaway: The Transformation of the Russian Internet as a Cultural-Historical Object. In D. Gritsenko, M. Wijermars & M. Kopotev (Eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Digital Russia Studies.Palgrave, pp. 277–296,
Asmolov, G. (2020). The Failures of Participatory Mapping: A Mediational Perspective In D. Specht (Ed.) Mapping Crisis. Participation, Datafication and Humanitarianism in the Age of Digital Mapping. London: University of London Press, pp. 39-66,
Asmolov, G. (2020). Runet in crisis situations. In S. G. Davydov (Ed.) Internet in Russia. Societies and Political Orders in Transition. Springer, pp. 231-250,
Asmolov, G. (2017). Vertical crowdsourcing (Russia). In Ledeneva, A., Bailey A., Barron S., & Teague E. (Eds.) The global encyclopedia of informality: Towards an understanding of social & cultural complexity. Volume 2, London: UCL Press, pp. 463-467.
Asmolov, G. (2014). Natural disasters and alternative modes of governance: The role of social networks and crowdsourcing platforms in Russia. In S. Livingston & G. Walter-Drop (Eds.) Bits and atoms. ICTs in areas of limited statehood. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 98-114.
Asmolov, G. (2014). The Kremlin's cameras and virtual Potemkin villages: ICT and the construction of statehood. In S. Livingston & G. Walter-Drop (Eds.) Bits and atoms. ICTs in areas of limited statehood. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 30-46.
Asmolov, G., (2014). Virtual Rynda – The atlas of help, Mutual aid as a form of social activism: Crowdsourcing in transition from emergency to everyday life, In E. Zuckerman and L. LeJeune (Eds.) Global Dimensions of Digital Activism, MIT Center For Civic Media.
Asmolov, G. (2013). Dynamics of innovation and the balance of power in Russia. In M. M. Hussain and P. N. Howard (Eds.) State power 2.0: Authoritarian entrenchment and political engagement worldwide. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 139-152.
Asmolov, A. and Asmolov, G. (2009). From We-Media to I-Media: Identity transformations in the virtual world. In Y. Zinchenko & V. Petrenko (Eds.) Psychology in Russia: State of the art, scientific yearbook, Volume 2. Moscow: Moscow State University Press, pp. 101-123.
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings:
Boichak, O. & Asmolov, G. (2021) Crowdfunding in remote conflicts: Bounding the hyperconnected battlefield. AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research.
Asmolov G. (2014). Crowdsourcing as an activity system: Online platforms as mediating artifacts: A conceptual framework for the comparative analysis of crowdsourcing in emergencies. In M. Poblet, P. Noriega & E. Plaza (Eds.) Proceedings of the Sintelnet WG5 workshop on crowd intelligence: Foundations, methods and practices, Barcelona, European Network for Social Intelligence (Sintelnet), pp. 24-43.
Asmolov, G. (2022). Internet regulation and crisis-related resilience: from Covid-19 to existential risks, The Communication Review, 25(3-4), pp. 235-257, DOI: 10.1080/10714421.2022.2129124
Asmolov, G. (2022). The transformation of participatory warfare: The role of narratives in connective mobilization in the Russia–Ukraine war. Digital War Journal. 3(1), pp. 25-37,
Asmolov, G. (2021). From sofa to frontline: The digital mediation and domestication of warfare. Media, War & Conflict, 14(3), 342-365.
Asmolov, G. (2019). The effects of participatory propaganda: From socialization to internalization of conflicts, Journal of Design and Science (MIT press), 6, pp. 1-24.
Asmolov, G. (2018). The disconnective power of disinformation campaigns, Journal of International Affairs, 71(1.5), pp. 69-76.
Asmolov, G. & Kolozaridi, P. (2017). The imaginaries of RuNet: The change of the elites and the construction of online space, Russian Politics, 2, pp. 54-79.
Asmolov, G. (2015). Vertical crowdsourcing in Russia: Balancing governance of crowds and state–citizen partnership in emergency situations, Policy & Internet, 7(3), pp. 292-318.
Asmolov, G. (2015). Crowdsourcing and the folksonomy of emergency response: The construction of a mediated subject, Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture, 6(2), pp. 155–178.
Livingston, S. & Asmolov, G. (2010). Networks and the future of foreign affairs reporting, Journalism Studies, 11(5), pp. 745-760.
Peer-reviewed Book Chapters:
Asmolov G. (2024) The Agents of Resilience: Generativity and Durability of Digital Platforms in Crisis-to-Crisis Transition. In Eds.: Diers-Lawson A., Schwarz A., & F. Meißner, Risk and Crisis Communication in Europe: Towards Integrating Theory and Practice in Unstable and Turbulent Times. Routledge.
Asmolov, G. (2024). Governance through a crisis: Media Regulation in Non-Democratic Systems. In Eds.: Manuel Puppis, Robin Mansell & Hilde Van den Bulck, The Handbook of Media and Communication Governance. Elgar.
Asmolov, G. (2023). Internet regulation and crisis-related resilience: from Covid-19 to existential risks, In Eds.: Paul Reilly & Virpi Salojärvi, (De)constructing Societal Threats During Times of Deep Mediatization. Routledge.
Asmolov, G. (2022). Crisis Communication in Authoritarian Systems and Digital Innovation. How Do Autocracies Resolve the Dictator's Dilemma in Crisis Situations? In Eds.: W. Timothy Coombs & Sherry J. Holladay, The Handbook of Crisis Communication. Second edition. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, pp. 209-227.
Asmolov, G. (2021) . Russian Social Media Logic: between the East and the West, in Eds.: Chand Rajendra-Nicolucci & Ethan Zuckerman, An Illustrated Field Guide to Social Media, Columbia University, pp. 49-60. Available at:
Asmolov, G. (2021) Information Technologies and Civil Society: Why We Need Horizon Scanning, In Ed.: Gregory Asmolov, Horizon Scanning: The Role of Information Technologies in the future of Civil Society Cogito-Centre, pp. 6-25, doi: 10.24412/cl-35945-2021-1-6-25, Available at:
Asmolov, G. & Kolozaridi, P. (2020). Run Runet Runaway: The Transformation of the Russian Internet as a Cultural-Historical Object. In D. Gritsenko, M. Wijermars & M. Kopotev (Eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Digital Russia Studies.Palgrave, pp. 277–296,
Asmolov, G. (2020). The Failures of Participatory Mapping: A Mediational Perspective In D. Specht (Ed.) Mapping Crisis. Participation, Datafication and Humanitarianism in the Age of Digital Mapping. London: University of London Press, pp. 39-66,
Asmolov, G. (2020). Runet in crisis situations. In S. G. Davydov (Ed.) Internet in Russia. Societies and Political Orders in Transition. Springer, pp. 231-250,
Asmolov, G. (2017). Vertical crowdsourcing (Russia). In Ledeneva, A., Bailey A., Barron S., & Teague E. (Eds.) The global encyclopedia of informality: Towards an understanding of social & cultural complexity. Volume 2, London: UCL Press, pp. 463-467.
Asmolov, G. (2014). Natural disasters and alternative modes of governance: The role of social networks and crowdsourcing platforms in Russia. In S. Livingston & G. Walter-Drop (Eds.) Bits and atoms. ICTs in areas of limited statehood. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 98-114.
Asmolov, G. (2014). The Kremlin's cameras and virtual Potemkin villages: ICT and the construction of statehood. In S. Livingston & G. Walter-Drop (Eds.) Bits and atoms. ICTs in areas of limited statehood. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 30-46.
Asmolov, G., (2014). Virtual Rynda – The atlas of help, Mutual aid as a form of social activism: Crowdsourcing in transition from emergency to everyday life, In E. Zuckerman and L. LeJeune (Eds.) Global Dimensions of Digital Activism, MIT Center For Civic Media.
Asmolov, G. (2013). Dynamics of innovation and the balance of power in Russia. In M. M. Hussain and P. N. Howard (Eds.) State power 2.0: Authoritarian entrenchment and political engagement worldwide. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 139-152.
Asmolov, A. and Asmolov, G. (2009). From We-Media to I-Media: Identity transformations in the virtual world. In Y. Zinchenko & V. Petrenko (Eds.) Psychology in Russia: State of the art, scientific yearbook, Volume 2. Moscow: Moscow State University Press, pp. 101-123.
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings:
Boichak, O. & Asmolov, G. (2021) Crowdfunding in remote conflicts: Bounding the hyperconnected battlefield. AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research.
Asmolov G. (2014). Crowdsourcing as an activity system: Online platforms as mediating artifacts: A conceptual framework for the comparative analysis of crowdsourcing in emergencies. In M. Poblet, P. Noriega & E. Plaza (Eds.) Proceedings of the Sintelnet WG5 workshop on crowd intelligence: Foundations, methods and practices, Barcelona, European Network for Social Intelligence (Sintelnet), pp. 24-43.
Greene, S., Asmolov, G., Fagan, A., Fridman, O., Gjuzelov, B. (December, 2020) Mapping Fake News and Disinformation in the Western Balkans and Identifying Ways to Effectively Counter Them, Policy Department for External Relations Directorate General for External Policies of the Union (The paper was requested by the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs). Available at:
Asmolov, G., (2015). Welcoming the dragon: The role of public opinion in Russian internet regulation, The Center for Global Communication Studies, Annenberg School for Communication (University of Pennsylvania). in-russian-internet-regulation/
Asmolov, G. and J. Machleder. (2011). Social change and the Russian network society: Redefining development priorities in new information environments, Internews.
Latar, N., Asmolov G. & A. Gekker. (2010). State cyber advocacy, A Working Paper for the Herzliya Conference,
Asmolov, G., (2015). Welcoming the dragon: The role of public opinion in Russian internet regulation, The Center for Global Communication Studies, Annenberg School for Communication (University of Pennsylvania). in-russian-internet-regulation/
Asmolov, G. and J. Machleder. (2011). Social change and the Russian network society: Redefining development priorities in new information environments, Internews.
Latar, N., Asmolov G. & A. Gekker. (2010). State cyber advocacy, A Working Paper for the Herzliya Conference,
Asmolov, G. (2022). Crisis Propaganda, Riddle,
Asmolov, G. (2022). Digital innovation and crisis-related resilience: enabling and limiting factors. KCL Digital Humanities blog,
Asmolov, G. (2022). Russia, Ukraine, and the emergence of ‘disconnective society’, Riddle,
Asmolov, G. (2022) Why Propaganda Survives in the 21st Century: Eight Points about Russian Propaganda, Media@LSE blog, June 7th, 2022
Asmolov, G. (2020). The path to the square: the role of digital technologies in Belarus’ protests, Open Democracy, September 1st ,
Asmolov, G. (2020). “Sovereign Virus”: Fake News as the Kremlin’s Crisis Management Tool, Institute of Modern Russia, 16 July 2020,
Asmolov, G. (2020). Inside the struggle to control Russia's digital volunteering sector, Open Democracy, May 8th,
Asmolov, G. (2020). Digital innovation and social resilience: How can Covid-19 help us prepare for the next crisis? King’s College London website, May 5th,
Asmolov, G. (2020). “Coronovations”: the role of digital platforms in responding to the pandemic, Strategeast, 1 April,
Asmolov, G. (2019). Protest technologies: Can innovation change the balance of power in Russia, Open Democracy, 23 August, protest-technology/
Asmolov, G. (2019). How HBO's miniseries showed Russia's Facebook generation that they too are children of Chernobyl: Why the Chernobyl series resonates in Russia today? Open Democracy, 28 June, crisis-en/
Asmolov, G. (2015). Controlling the crowd? Government and citizen interaction on emergency- response platforms, The Policy and Internet Blog, Oxford Internet Institute, December. emergency-response-platforms/
Asmolov, G. (2015). Between institutional dungeons and the dragons of public opinion: Russian Internet regulation, LSE Media Policy Project Blog, February dragons-of-public-opinion-russian-internet-regulation/
Asmolov, G. (2014). The new humanities as a crisis management discipline: A framework for mapping proximal zones of development and the mediation of new human imaginaries, Conference manifestos for "Beyond Crisis: Visions for the New Humanities", Durham University, June
Asmolov, G. (2013). A shift in international information security: The story of a diplomatic oxymoron, Center for Global Communication Studies, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania, 16 December, international-information-security-the-story-of-a-diplomatic-oxymoron/
Asmolov, G. (2012). The balance of crowds: Top-down and bottom-up mobilization strategies in Russian election campaign, Polis blog, 3 March, balance-of-crowds-top-down-and-bottom-up-mobilization-strategies-in-russian-election- campaign-guest-blog/
Asmolov, G. (2012). Russian elections: The struggle for power between state and network society, Polis blog, 1 March, power-between-state-and-network-society/
Published a few dozen articles for “Global Voices” ( asmolov/) and over 400 articles in Israeli and Russian print media.
Asmolov, G. (2022) “Podcast: Turning Russia Into a Disconnective Society”, in conversation with Maria Lipman, RussiaPost, May 12, 2022,
Asmolov, G. (2016) Social media and crowdsourcing in the conflict in Ukraine. Center for Media Data and Society, Central European University (Budapest), Video:; A brief overview of the talk: we-interact-and-experience-conflict
Asmolov G. (2014) Crowdsourcing and development of activity systems: The case of emergency response, Oxford Internet Institute, development-activity-systems-case-emergency-response-0
Asmolov G. (2013) From the North Pole to WWW: Social and political construction of cyberspace and Internet regulation in Russia, CGCS Lecture, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania, events/annenberg-video/cgcs-lecture-gregory-asmolov
Asmolov, G. (2022). Digital innovation and crisis-related resilience: enabling and limiting factors. KCL Digital Humanities blog,
Asmolov, G. (2022). Russia, Ukraine, and the emergence of ‘disconnective society’, Riddle,
Asmolov, G. (2022) Why Propaganda Survives in the 21st Century: Eight Points about Russian Propaganda, Media@LSE blog, June 7th, 2022
Asmolov, G. (2020). The path to the square: the role of digital technologies in Belarus’ protests, Open Democracy, September 1st ,
Asmolov, G. (2020). “Sovereign Virus”: Fake News as the Kremlin’s Crisis Management Tool, Institute of Modern Russia, 16 July 2020,
Asmolov, G. (2020). Inside the struggle to control Russia's digital volunteering sector, Open Democracy, May 8th,
Asmolov, G. (2020). Digital innovation and social resilience: How can Covid-19 help us prepare for the next crisis? King’s College London website, May 5th,
Asmolov, G. (2020). “Coronovations”: the role of digital platforms in responding to the pandemic, Strategeast, 1 April,
Asmolov, G. (2019). Protest technologies: Can innovation change the balance of power in Russia, Open Democracy, 23 August, protest-technology/
Asmolov, G. (2019). How HBO's miniseries showed Russia's Facebook generation that they too are children of Chernobyl: Why the Chernobyl series resonates in Russia today? Open Democracy, 28 June, crisis-en/
Asmolov, G. (2015). Controlling the crowd? Government and citizen interaction on emergency- response platforms, The Policy and Internet Blog, Oxford Internet Institute, December. emergency-response-platforms/
Asmolov, G. (2015). Between institutional dungeons and the dragons of public opinion: Russian Internet regulation, LSE Media Policy Project Blog, February dragons-of-public-opinion-russian-internet-regulation/
Asmolov, G. (2014). The new humanities as a crisis management discipline: A framework for mapping proximal zones of development and the mediation of new human imaginaries, Conference manifestos for "Beyond Crisis: Visions for the New Humanities", Durham University, June
Asmolov, G. (2013). A shift in international information security: The story of a diplomatic oxymoron, Center for Global Communication Studies, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania, 16 December, international-information-security-the-story-of-a-diplomatic-oxymoron/
Asmolov, G. (2012). The balance of crowds: Top-down and bottom-up mobilization strategies in Russian election campaign, Polis blog, 3 March, balance-of-crowds-top-down-and-bottom-up-mobilization-strategies-in-russian-election- campaign-guest-blog/
Asmolov, G. (2012). Russian elections: The struggle for power between state and network society, Polis blog, 1 March, power-between-state-and-network-society/
Published a few dozen articles for “Global Voices” ( asmolov/) and over 400 articles in Israeli and Russian print media.
Asmolov, G. (2022) “Podcast: Turning Russia Into a Disconnective Society”, in conversation with Maria Lipman, RussiaPost, May 12, 2022,
Asmolov, G. (2016) Social media and crowdsourcing in the conflict in Ukraine. Center for Media Data and Society, Central European University (Budapest), Video:; A brief overview of the talk: we-interact-and-experience-conflict
Asmolov G. (2014) Crowdsourcing and development of activity systems: The case of emergency response, Oxford Internet Institute, development-activity-systems-case-emergency-response-0
Asmolov G. (2013) From the North Pole to WWW: Social and political construction of cyberspace and Internet regulation in Russia, CGCS Lecture, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania, events/annenberg-video/cgcs-lecture-gregory-asmolov